Made for the LOWREZJAM 2021, hence the 64x64 screen resolution.

Press F to toggle fullscreen. The bug is back (now with a vengeance), but toggling full screen on and off seems to fix the scaling issues.

You're on a spacecraft flying through an asteroid field full of space pirates, but where did everyone else on your crew go??

Work in progress!!


Click on different parts of the ship to travel there. Currently this doesn't do much but that will be how you fix your ship as you take damage.

Full ship physics simulation

Destructable, explosive enemies!

Radar contact sounds give you an idea of where enemy spacecraft are located.


WASDQE: rotate ship


hold right mouse button to switch to flying with mouse as joystick, Q+E still controls roll

z: shoot primary weapons

shift: increase throttle

ctrl: decrease throttle

M: mute music.

R: get out of gunner seat, if you get stuck.

look around with your mouse, click on parts of your ship to travel there (look towards the room you want to go to and click on it, like a point and click almost)

Currently your ship is invincible and enemies can't attack you.

If you can't shoot, check your keyboard layout and make sure Z is Z.

Current update: (updated after jam finished)

You can now use the rear gun when you are sitting in the rear cupola.

Shields now have components you must repair, but if they are in good shape shields regenerate now. If they aren't regenerating make sure your shield matrix is aligned!

Crashing into asteroids insta-kills you again

Made the map much bigger

Sped up player and enemy ships

You can now look from the observation dome on the back of the ship

Added flak (doesn't really work currently)

Fixed many bugs

Added working shields systems!

Added more enemies!

Enemies now shoot at you!

Added another navball that tracks the nearest enemy to you.

Added camera zoom. Press C to zoom in, use the scroll wheel to adjust zoom amount.

The player ship is now destructible too, so watch out for asteroids!

Added more sounds.

Added a "navball" to help with navigation.

The cockpit displays are no longer dummies and now display useful information

Fixed bug where display wouldn't render. It's back even though I changed nothing pertaining to the display.

I think it's fixed again?

Started adding in components to stations in the ship. Eventually you will use these to repair broken ship systems.

Added music. It can be muted by pressing M.

Added fly-by-mouse.

Planned Features:

True combat with AIs that shoot back Done!

Working ship systems with damage modelling and the possibility for manual repair

Shields are now dependent on the state of the shield flux conduits and the shield matrix controller.  Make sure to keep those components in good shape.

Shields, more weapons (sort of done)

More enemy ships, potentially more player ships (work in progress)


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